Safety is our highest priority!
The safety of your child and all children in our schools as well as the safety of the school staff and support personnel is very important to us. In order to maintain a safe environment for our children to study and learn, it is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis response plans by having drills designed to exercise our procedures.
The students and staff of our school will be practicing emergency drills throughout the year. They are “FIRE DRILLS”; “EARTHQUAKE DRILLS”; “LOCKDOWN DRILLS”; “SHELTER-IN-PLACE DRILLS”, and “EVACUATION DRILLS”. Each type of drill is explained below.
The school will conduct a “fire drill” each month that school is in session. This is a Fire Code requirement as well as a requirement for all California public schools. We want each student to understand and be aware of the importance of this drill and not be afraid when the fire alarm is sounded. By practicing they will know what to do and how to do it.
The school will conduct regular earthquake drills. Students will be taught to “Drop,” “Cover,” and “Hold On.” They will also be taught how to keep themselves safe if outside the building during an earthquake.
The school will conduct “Lockdown Drills” periodically throughout each school year. This type of drill will secure the school building and safely shelter all students, staff and visitors inside the building. The purpose of this drill is to keep the students safe from any danger outside or inside the building. During a “lockdown drill” all of the perimeter doors to the school building will be locked and will remain locked until the danger or issue outside or inside the building is removed. To enable everyone to remain safe, no one will be allowed to enter the building during our drill.
The “Soft Lockdown/Shelter-in-Place” drill will be conducted each school year. The purpose of this drill is to be prepared to move to a safe location within our building in case of severe weather or as a precaution if there is a danger in the neighborhood.
During an “Evacuation Drill”, students will be safely escorted along a designated evacuation route to one of our pre-determined evacuation sites. At the conclusion of the drill, all students will be escorted back to the school.
In the event of an actual Emergency :
-In the event of an actual emergency evacuation, you will receive notification where to pick up your child as soon as possible.
-We will notify parents by phone call, text, email and the BES Facebook page.
-Please make sure that your contact information is current at all times so that you can be reached without delay in the event of an emergency.
-Do not call the school offices (as they will be busy with the drill or actual emergency)
-Do not contact students or staff members via cell phone or social media (as they will be busy with the drill or actual emergency)
-Avoid personal social media posts. Correct information will be disseminated through our automated system as soon as possible.
How to Pick Up Your Child in the Event of a Real Emergency:
1. Instructions for picking up children will be made available through the texts, phone calls, emails and BES Facebook.
2. In most cases, the school will be locked during and immediately following a crisis. No one, other than emergency personnel, will be allowed to enter until it is determined that conditions are safe.
3. When it is safe to release students, there will be a reunion plan. Parents/Guardians need to be prepared to check in at the reunion site with identification.
4. Students will not be released to anyone other than their parents (or an individual listed on the child’s emergency card).
We will be discussing our Safety procedures and plan at the upcoming School Site Council meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Raider Family Committee 5:30pm. Parents, Grandparents and Guardians are welcome to join us.
If you have any questions regarding any of these Safety Drills or other safety concerns, please contact your school office, or Principal Aderman.