Burney Elementary School Site Council Meeting
September 20, 2017 at 3:15-4:30 pm
37403 Toronto Street, Burney CA 96013
Parents: Classified: Teachers:
__Kevin Bower(18) __Jeanine Ferguson (17) __TBD
__Kenny Shaffer (18) __TBD
__Melissa Madden(18) Principal: __ Joy Ford (18)
__Vic Geisler(19) __Marcy Schmidt _ _Morgan Stevenson (18)
__ Heather Sanchez(19)
__ Megan Howard(19)
1 By June of the 2016-2017 school year, parental involvement on the BES site will increase by 10 percent, as measured by parent volunteer hours, participation in Back to School and Open House, PTA and Site Council meetings and in response to surveys.
2. By June of the 2016/2017 school year, on school and county assessments, 40% of students will meet or exceed on the CAASPP ELA for 3-6 grade, and at grade level based on county-wide assessments for k-3.
3. By June of the 2016/2017 school year, on school and county assessments, 30% of students will meet or exceed on the CAASPP math for 3-6 grade, and at grade level based on county-wide assessments for k-2.
1. Opening
1.1 Welcome/Call to Order
1.2 Minutes
1.3 Correspondence/Information Items
1.4 Public Input
1.5 Additions or deletions to the Agenda
2. Wellness Plan Review and Monitoring
2.1 Public Health
2.2 Dental Wellness -
2.3 Hill Country Clinic Services
2.4 Anti Bullying
2.5 Safety, Respect Responsibility
2.6 Butterfly Effect
2.7 Second Step and Positive Action
2.8 Project Share
2.9 PE Implementation/Curriculum
3. Title I Monies Amounts and Availability –
4. Old Business
4.1 Teacher Election
4.2 Parent Election
5. New Business
5.1 Review and Modify Calendar
5.2 Discuss/ Update Goals
6. Next Meeting- October 18, 2017 @3:15
7. Announcements –
8. Adjourn Meeting –
Burney Elementary School Site Council
2017-2018 Calendar
Meeting: 9/20/17
Discuss Parent Election Results
Officer Elections
Meeting 10/18/17
Review Parent Involvement Policy
Meeting 11/15/17
Approve Parent Involvement Policy
Review School Plan (look at PE curriculum and training as part of the goals)
Review School Plan
Meeting 1/17/18 * may need to move due to Leadership Team Training
Meeting 2/21/18
Meeting 3/15/18
Review Safety Plan
Review Parent/School Compact
Solicit Parent Candidates for Election (ballots should read Site/SAC member election)
Meeting 4/18/18
Meeting 5/16/18 * Jenny gone
Parent Member Election
Teacher Election